Advice & Solutions for

  • Rail industry suppliers
  • Public transit systems
  • Short line and regional railroads
  • Companies doing business with Class I railroads

What We Do

We offer advice and solutions on rail regulatory issues for rail industry suppliers, public transit systems, short line and regional railroads, and a wide range of companies doing business with large (Class I) railroads. We cover the alphabet soup (FRA, FTA, STB, RRB and PHMSA) and the red tape on freight rail, passenger rail and rail public transit.

We give you client-centric, practical advice based on 30-plus years of experience advising rail and transit industry clients. When your project calls for more than one lawyer, we have a cadre of experienced rail regulatory lawyers ready to join your team.

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Rail Law Services

Passenger Rail & Transit

Many of our clients are state DOTs or public transit agencies sponsoring, building or expanding intercity passenger, commuter or light rail transit systems. We advise these clients on a wide range of FTA and FRA grant funding and other regulatory issues, including requirements for federal funding under the FTA New Starts program.

Rail Safety

Safety is now first priority in all rail operations and construction, from safety culture down to a comprehensive and practical understanding of safety requirements. Whether it is freight rail, intercity or commuter rail or rail public transit, we can advise you on all applicable FTA or FRA safety requirements.

Doing Business With Class I Railroads

Clients often need advice and guidance on how to do business with Class I railroads. We can help you negotiate and, when necessary, engage the informal processes of the STB to support improvement in your rail service. We also assist with STB authorization for rail line acquisitions and track sharing agreements.

Track Sharing & Construction

If you need assistance with negotiation of track sharing agreements and contracts for construction or improvement of rail facilities, we have extensive experience advising passenger and freight clients with these important agreements.

Emerging Technology

Improve Safety

Railroad Efficiency

Reduce Carbon Footprint

Many of the firm’s clients are developing new technology to improve the safety, efficiency and carbon footprint of railroads. If your products or devices require testing, safety assessments or waivers, we can guide you through the process and address all FRA and FTA regulatory requirements. We have extensive experience on rail regulatory issues for the emerging technology projects of both start-up companies and established industry suppliers. Launching new technology requires attention to supply chain issues and contracts with project partners. We can help you with these important aspects of your new products and devices.

Working With Other Law Firms

Many of our projects come in on referral from other law firms who bring us in to cover rail regulatory issues on transactions and other projects. Likewise, when a project requires the involvement of other subject matter experts or litigators, we have a network of trusted lawyers in other firms to bring to your project.

Contact Us

Kevin Sheys
